Welcome to ALL EARS Hearing Products & Services
Affordable Custom-Fit Hearing Protection
Affordable Custom-Fit Hearing Protection
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Hello, I'm Kevin Wolf and for over 30 years I've specialized in hearing conservation. I sold hearing aids for a while but with my roots in hearing conservation I left the high-pressure sales of the hearing aid industry and started 'All Ears HP&S'.
Over the years I have made thousands of pairs of custom earplugs for employees of companies and for people that needed them for everything from sleeping to swimming to target shooting.
It's very likely I've made more custom earplugs than all the hearing aid dispensers and audiologists in the Portland area combined.
By the way, the rest of this page provides a lot of important information but if you're not big on reading just watch my videos by the 'Portland Puppets' on the 'Info Videos' page or just go to the 'All Custom Products' page.
Happy customers are where most of my new customers come from and since much of my work is done at companies such as food processing and manufacturing facilities, (and since I'm only 1 person), it's never made sense to have a "store front" to facilitate my "recreation"/"non-industrial" customers. I simply "see" people, by appointment at my residence.
And of course, by working from my residence, (a professional environment) rather than a traditional business location I'm able to keep my prices low and in addition to my "low over-head"... I offer IM2 custom earplugs. The low-cost combination along with my years of impression/earplug making and hearing conservation expertise simply can't be beat!
IM2 is an amazing ear impression making product that was developed in 1970 and though considerably more expensive than impression making material many if not all my would-be "competitors" use... it enables me to by-pass my outside labs which means I can make you a pair of the highest noise reduction rated custom earplugs available in about an hour, and at significant cost savings to me!
IM2 custom earplugs cost about 50% to 75%, (depending on where you go), less than lab-made custom earplugs and when worn 40 hours a week, every week, they will last 2 to 3 years and much longer when used in most recreation applications.
IM2 custom earplugs are great hearing protection for almost all needs! They are great for wearing under a helmet when motorcycle riding, loud crowds, loud occupations & hobbies, target shooting as well as for non-noise applications such as sleeping, or swimming and they can even be inexpensively adapted to accommodate OTC electronic devices such as air tubes and 'BTEs'.
IM2 custom earplugs have the highest noise reduction rating (NRR) of any custom earplug at 29.8 dB. NRR which is right there next to the 30 dB. NRR of the highest rated, hearing-protection, over-the-ear, muffs. Some OTC earplugs may show a rating of higher than 30 dB. NRR but "arguably" due to bone conduction one should not expect anything to "practically" exceed 30 dB. NRR.
I can have any type of custom hearing protection you could want made for you but other than IM2 custom earplugs I will send your ear impressions, I make, to my outside lab but since this is the case and it can take a while to get your finished order back from the lab it's good to know that all my experience making ear impressions means there's a very good likelihood that your new customs earplugs will fit perfectly!
I'll make you a pair of custom earplugs that you'll love, or I want them back! 30-Day Return!
If you have questions or would like to make an appointment to get fitted for a pair of custom earplugs, I'm ALL EARS and you can contact me by phone or text at 503 775 9069 or email at allears2u@msn.com or by using the contact form below. Thank you!