I've been in the field of hearing conservation for over 30 years. I know occupational hearing conservation about as well as anyone and if you're reading this, it's likely you're tasked with making the same decisions as many that I've worked over these many years.
I know that when it comes to making the decision for what types of hearing protection to provide your company's employees, the behemoths like 3M make it nearly impossible for you to even contemplate anything other than their stock items.
And while 3M and others like them offer a near endless amount of HP options, I assert the one option that they don't offer should also be among your options. And I'm going to point out why out all the "stock" options...I believe there is an even better option and that's the non-"stock" option.
So, let's "lay it on the table". When it comes to hearing protection the three major considerations are cost, compliance and convenience.
When it comes to convenience what I offer is no match for just pressing the re-order button. This one goes to "stock" hearing protection.
When it comes to compliance it might be hard for any "stock" earplugs or muffs to top custom-fit earplugs because a custom-fit, especially by an experienced "fitter" does make for something employees don't mind wearing for long periods of time. Plus, custom earplugs can only be worn one way and that's the correct way. I really think this one goes to my non-stock custom earplugs.
When it comes to cost, I figure you can get "stock" earplugs for around a dime a pair and typically employees use 3 or 4 pairs a day which averages 35 cents a day and about $1.75 a week so, at 50 work weeks that's $87.50 a pair, per employee, per year.
I offer two types of custom-fit earplugs. One type is known as 'Insta-Mold', (29.8 dB. NRR.). They have been used by 1000s of industries all over the world since 1970.
They are $70 a pair and they will protect an average 3 years...2 years on the low side and 4 years on the high side. So, let's be conservative and say they'll cost your company $35 per employee per year. That's conservatively over $50 per employee per year in savings.
The other type of custom-fit earplugs I make are known as "lab-made" (28.6 dB. NRR.). They have also been used by 1000s of industries all over the world and are the ones my "competitors" offer. I charge $140 a pair or twice as much as the cost per pair for 'Insta-Mold' but the "Lab-Made will provide twice the length of use time.
So, cost wise both the "Insta-Mold' and "Lab-made" custom earplugs end up being, at most, $35 per employee, per year. We just need to factor into the cost that I need to take each employee away from their work for about 15 to 20 minutes plus the scheduling/logistics.
Unless your company is paying employees more than $300 per hour, then cost favors my non-stock custom earplugs.
Some say, "2 out 3 ain't bad" and "convenience often comes at high price" but the only thing that matters here... is what you say.
By the way, unlike disposable hearing protection my custom earplugs are environmentally friendly.
I serve the Portland metro area and I can work with groups a small as 6/$420 minimum, (4 employees per hour staggered every 15 minutes).
For 10 employees or more I can work with 50% paid within 30 days and remaining 2 payments over 6 months thereafter.
I have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee.
In over 30 years I've made thousands of pairs of custom earplugs and I'd like to make some for your company. (Certified Occupational Hearing Conservationist)
I'm Kevin Wolf and I'm All Ears so, just call/text me at 503 775 -9069 or email me at allears2u@msn.com or use the contact form at the bottom of this page if you want to discuss custom hearing protection. Thank you!
The only thing between workers and damaging noise is hearing protection so get them the best!
#1 in Comfort, Compliance, Cost Savings and
Noise Reduction!
Unless your company is operating in a "business as usual" mode, maybe it's time to get a lot more for less, and maybe it's time to retire your old supplier and buy American Made.